Community College Scholarship

AJ Wang Foundation was established as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in November, 2008 to provide funding to various educational institutions to support students.  The Foundation is led by a couple who immigrated to the U. S. to pursue the “American Dream.” It is through hard work and their will to overcome financial obstacles that they have become successful entrepreneurs.  As their life-long goal to “give back” to the communities that supported them to realize their dreams, they established the Foundation to support those with the greatest need.  The Foundation is currently supported and staffed by volunteers.

The Scholarship Fund, a component of the AJ Wang Foundation, was established in 2013.  The Scholarship Fund also receives donations from others wishing to participate in “giving back” in the same manner as the founders. Within the last eleven (11) years, the Scholarship Fund has granted almost 500 community college and some eligible 4-year university students scholarships totaling over $1,5 million. Over 65% of these community college students have successfully transferred to 4-year colleges or universities or secured employment.  In addition, students who complete their community college program within two years and transfer to a 4-year college/university will receive a one-time ($2,000) of award with the same stipulations.

The Scholarship Fund is targeting students attending identified community colleges in the Southern California areas.  The awarded community colleges are located in Los Angeles, Ventura, and northern Orange Counties.  The Scholarship Fund provides awards for up to three consecutive years for students attending one or more of the designated community colleges.  The scholarship can be used for tuition, fees, books, housing, transportation and/or food and is not to be included in the total financial aid package the students may receive.

Depending on student’s progress towards completion of degree, program, or certification as well as obtaining satisfactory academic standing, a student may receive a second- or third-year funding.  Funds are disbursed on a semester to semester basis in order to monitor continuous attendance and satisfactory academic progress.  Students must provide proof which includes transcripts from the previous semester and full-time registration for the subsequent semester.  Recipients of the scholarships provide testimonies, as requested, on how the money is spent to support them to realize their dreams.

The AJ Wang Foundation Scholarship Fund provides annual financial support targeting between 40 and 50 students attending the following community colleges: all nine (9) campuses of the Los Angeles Community College District, all three (3) campuses in Ventura County (Moorpark, Oxnard, and Ventura), Coastline Community College, Cerritos College, Glendale College, Long Beach City College, Pasadena City College, and Santa Monica College.

The AJ Wang Foundation Scholarship Fund Applicant Must:

  • Be a resident or citizen of the United States of America and its territories or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) and/or Dream Act eligible
  • Have a cumulative high school grade point average of 2.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale
  • Be a graduating high school senior from an accredited high school with the goal to attend a community college and earn a degree or certification, and/or meet transfer requirement
  • Commit to enroll as a full-time (minimum of 12 units) student, without interruption, for the entire academic school year at one of the above-mentioned community colleges
  • Submit
    1. the official application form
    2. a letter of application indicating the college of his/her choice, student background, academic achievement, intended educational and career goal(s), and financial need
    3. a resume
    4. the latest transcript, including grades from 9th grade through at least the first semester of high school senior year with the final transcript submitted along with full-time fall registration no later than August 15 after the award is granted
  • Provide the most recent college transcript and subsequent semester full-time student registration annually by midnight January 15 for semester I and August 15 for semester 2 for continuous attendance, which demonstrates progress towards meeting educational goal(s).  Recipients must maintain at least a 2.75 GPA on a 4.0 scale each semester and register for at least 12 units in order to receive continuous financial support.

Application Period: April 15-June 1

Recipients of the scholarships must also provide testimonies on how the money is spent to support them to realize their dreams


  • Each recipient will receive three thousand dollars ($3,000) a year for up to three years with $1,500 granted for each semester.

  • Checks will NOT be sent to individual students; they will be mailed to the respective Scholarship/Finance Aid Office of the college the recipient is attending for disbursement according to the college’s guidelines.

  • Priority consideration will be given to first generation college-bound students; and students living in non-traditional homes.

  • Preferences will be given to students who plan to pursue non-traditional careers.

  • Recipients are selected by a committee established by the AJ Wang Foundation; there will be no grace period for acceptance of application and/or subsequent semester submissions and no appeals for students who are not granted or denied the award.

  • First time applicant materials must be received via email no later than midnight on June 1.

  • Notification of awards will be provided by late July via email.

  • All recipients will be known as the AJ Wang Foundation Scholars.

Please email all materials (e.g. application form, letter of application, resume, and transcript) to

All correspondence will be by email only.